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Showing posts from May, 2019


Please learn/review the following material by their due dates. Returning cheerleaders should still review cheers and the fight song to help us clean quickly. Some of the cheers have changed, or you may not remember. Cheers: Cheers List:  CLICK HERE General Cheers:   CLICK HERE Offense Cheers :   CLICK HERE Defense Cheers:  CLICK HERE Fight Song: (Due August 5th) Words:  CLICK HERE Front View: COMING SOON Back View: COMING SOON

Summer Calendar 2019

CLICK HERE for the summer calendar. If you have any questions please email them to Also, please remember that you are allowed 2 excused absences in the summer. If you missed any of our GENERAL practices in April or May (including safety clinic) those count toward your excused absences. An unexcused absences or excused absences about your allowed 2 will result in you sitting out a game for each absence. Please email all expected absences to BEFORE JUNE 1st!!

Summer Workouts and Make Ups

Every week that we do not have practice in the summer, you will be required to do 3 workouts and fill out the form listed below. The form will be due the Sunday after the week at 7:00 PM. To turn in please scan or take a picture of your form and email it to with your name and the week in the subject line. If it is not turned in by 7:00 Sunday it will be marked late and you will be given partial points. You need to fill out a new form every week, and I expect different answers every week, so print out a new form each week or make copies. Summer Workout Form: CLICK HERE If you miss practice (during the Summer or School year) you can do the following form to make up partial points missed. You will receive a 0 for missing practice even if it is excused, and this will be the only way to make up those points. Practice Make Up Form: CLICK HERE