Below is a list of extras that may be purchased. If you would like to purchase any of the following please fill out the following google form:
Remember, in order to purchase any extras they must be paid for before our May 1st uniform fitting. Please pay in the finical office and bring a receipt to the meeting. The financial office closes soon after school is over, so keep that in mind.
- Extra Shoes
- Varsity Tradition Shoe
- Great for cheering on a track, at basketball games, and competition.
- High cushion to help with tumbling
- Lightweight and great grip for stunting.
- We will be purchasing 1 pair for each girl. This is just for those that want an extra pair.
- We will size you at uniform fitting
- $55
- Indoor Specific Shoes
- Chasse Highlyte
- Ultra lightweight
- "flyknit" style shoe. Does not require athlete to wear socks.
- Will place additional order after football season
- $45
- Bikers
- Varsity Sport Compression Shorts
- Similar to Nike Pro Combat
- Royal color to match our uniforms
- Already purchasing one pair for each girl. This is just for those that would want an extra pair.
- $25
- Backpack
- Same backpack as last year
- Highly recommended for new cheerleaders
- $75
- Parent Shirt
- Matches Camp Gear
- Shirt is Unisex sizing
- $10
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