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Virtual Tryout Announcement

Announcing the 2020-2021 Cheer Team Virtual Tryouts. 

Because of the recent COVID-19 outbreak we have decided to hold cheer tryouts in virtual format this year. If you have a student that is interested in trying out for the 2020-2021 cheer team please read below for tryout information. 

Tryouts will begin April 22nd with a Zoom Parents Meeting, then all required documents and video submission will be due on April 29th. All choreography and material needed for the video submission can be found HERE. At that point videos will be judged by 3rd party judges and given a score. Additional judging information, requirements, and instructions are below.

All parents and students interested should also join the team BAND at the following link for updates and reminders: If you have any additional questions please reach out to Coach Zoë directly at

Tryout Requirements:
  1. Tryout Application found HERE (Due April 29)
  2. Sign up on Register My Athlete (Unless you are an 8th grader or transfer student) (Due April 29)
  3. Have at least a 2.0 GPA with only 1 F on your 3rd term transcript (Email to by April 29) 
  4. Must attend mandatory Parents Meeting with at least one guardian (April 22)
  5. Must sign “Squad Expectations” contract after parents meeting  (Due April 29th )
  6. 2 Recommendations, instructions found HERE (Due April 29th
  7. Video Submission (Due April 29th
Tryout Schedule:
April 22
April 27-28
April 29
·    Virtual Parents Meeting over Zoom 6:00PM
o Link to join will be sent to everyone on the team BAND and on the blog.

·  Virtual Coaches Consultation 
o By Appointment Meeting with a coach to clean routine, discuss any questions, and give advice! 
o Sign-ups will be on the team BAND

· Tryout Application, Register My Athlete, Squad Expectations Contract, 3rd Term Grades, and Recommendations also due. 

***We will post the official 2020-2021 team on***
We will be announcing the TEAM ONLY at this time, game day and competition squad placements will be made later. 
Instructions for Video Submissions
Because we are not able to hold in-person tryouts this year, we instead will be asking for video submissions. These videos must be under 5 minutes long, with NO CUTS. This means that the video must be filmed in one continuous shot with no stopping or editing.  The video must include the following skills and be filmed in the following order:
1.     State your name and grade next year 
2.     Dance to music facing the camera
·       Dance can be found at and will also be shared on the team BAND
·       Please do which ever roll off you would like
·       Please throw whatever tumbling you are most comfortable throwing. You will not be docked points in your dance for not throwing a tumbling skill, but may be given a lower standing tumbling score. 
3.     Cheer 4 times through, facing the camera
·       Cheer can be found at
·       Do either front row or back row
4.     Jump, facing the camera
·       Must be the jump shown at to the counts shown
5.     ONE Standing Tumbling Pass
6.     ONE Running Tumbling Pass
Please wear a light colored shirt with dark colored shorts, athletic shoes, and have your hair pulled back into a pony tail. Please do not wear any Timpview cheer gear. Make sure you film your video in a place that has ample room to safely tumble, and on a safe surface to tumbling on. Grass is recommended, please do not film on a spring floor. Videos can be submitted in any format. If you do not have the means to submit a video (not enough space, no access to necessary equipment, etc.) Please email or call Coach Zoë and she will figure something out for you.  
Participants will be judged on the following:
80% Judges Score
                  The average of the 3-4 judges will be taken. A judging breakdown is below. 
Running Tumbling
Standing Tumbling
Motion Technique
20 Points
20 Points
10 Points
15 Points
15 Points
10 Points
10 Points 

20% Recommendation Score  
Recommendation score will come from the forms submitted using the instructions on 

Attendance and Grades will also be a factor in deciding teams. Any athlete that does not make current attendance and grade standards will have to meet those standards for 4th term or else they will be dismissed from the team. 

Athletes will not be scored on video quality, access to equipment, or quality of environment for tryout. The requirements listed above are for your safety, not score.  


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